Dear colleagues!

Increase of aerospace techniques’ weight efficiency, durability and safety is commonly determined by a structure and properties of structural materials and products made by metal forming. In particular, a large plastic strain together heat treatment forms a crystallography, physical, mechanical and deformation properties of billets, which hereinafter determines their behavior in metal forming processes and performance.
Therefore advanced approaches to the plasticity theory development, structure and texture formation via simulation and modeling of plastic deformation and heat treatment as like as a super plasticity phenomenon and electromagnetic forming are going to be presented during the Congress.
Reports on composite materials, design production and performance problems are to be shown at the congress.
We hope an sharing experience, new ideas, research outcomes and their industry application will make for a new level of material and parts production, which meet the requirements of a 6th technological wave of a Global economics.
Congress papers after reviewing are going to be publishing in the Congress Proceedings Volume in one of Elsevier or Trans Tech Publication Journals (indexed in Scopus).
We invite you on the Congress! We are waiting for your reports!
Best regards,

Fedor Grechnikov

Rudolf Kawalla


  • 1st June, 2016: Submission an abstract (see Call for Papers).

  • 25th June, 2016: Inform about the decision on abstract accepting and 2nd Announcement

  • 1st November, 2016: Submission full paper.

  • 4-7th July, 2017: Congress.


1. Program of congress was added in website.

2. Requirement to papers was added in website.

3. Papers are accepted until the 15th of December.